Yveline Antiques


In 1954 Eveline opened her gallery at the corner of the picturesque Place de Furstenberg in Saint-German-des-Pres, a few steps away from the charming Delacroix Museum and the four Paulownias in the tiny square whose blossoms announce the arrival of spring to the ancient quartier.


Through the next decades Eveline assembled together and presented in her gallery a wondrous collection of beautiful objects and antiquities: elegantly crafted furniture, pictures, sculptures, objets d’art and curios of all sorts and provenance. Her discerning eye and indefatigable quest over the years instilled in the gallery rooms an aura of poetic wonder, a celebration of the marvellous which continues to this day.


At present Agathe, Eveline’s grand-daughter, is following this long family precedence and tradition of an adventurous but discriminating spirit in pursuit of artistry from different eras and regions. The gallery remains a favorite haunt of visitors to Paris as well as for Parisians themselves, enchanted by the way the gallery and the square complement each other in their evocation of beauty reflected in objects, trees, and store.


4 rue de Furstemberg  75006 Paris

OPEN 14:00-19:00 (Mon)  11:00-19:00 (Tue-Sat)


  • This gallery inspires me every time and there are full of beautiful objects.   Not only its rooms but also its displays are stunnig.   Though when it is closed I tend to pass in front of it and enjoy the view from outside of the window.

    roomservice PaToNe 編集長 上野洋右


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5月17日(金)までの期間、H.P.FRANCE WINDOW GALLERY MARUNOUCHIにて松村咲希個展「地と図」を開催。
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